Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lullaby... and good night!

I'm so proud of our little guy! Last night, he slept 7 hours straight! Yeah! Evan!! WOO HOO! The whole family was so tired last night that we all went to sleep around 9:30. Evan did not stir until 4:30! Then, he went right back to sleep after he ate! What an answer to prayer.

He was especially cranky for Daddy over the past two days and had been particularly cranky over the weekend, too. It was actually kind of cute. He would go to sleep, but he would have a bit of a scowl on his face... sort of saying "I'm asleep, but I'm not happy about it!" He's adorable, though, and we couldn't love him any more if we tried.

Today, he's spending the day with Grandma, and he was all smiles this morning when we all left the house, so here's hoping today is a better day. He got some good sleep... we've got that going for us!

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