Monday, May 4, 2009

Evan Parrish... Outdoorsman

Well, so much for his fear of grass. Our little guy totally LOVES to be outside now. Grandma and Grandpa were just here for a visit, and he dragged them outside at every possibly opportunity. Not like they minded.

We had a great visit with the grandparents and I hope to have some photos up soon from that, but in the meantime, here's some pictures of Evan enjoying his new found love of all things green...


Melody Strayer said...

He is SOOO cute, Karen! (What does I love nb mean?)

Karen Parrish said...

I love nb is 'I love New Brunswick,' as in Canada. It's a loan-er shirt from his friend Caleb, whose Daddy is Canadian. Caleb is about a year older than Evan, so he's got a lot of his loan-er clothes. It's AWESOME!

ctf said...

Yay Evan. Grass is your friend. :) He's getting so stinkin big!!!!