Sunday, June 8, 2008

Evan's getting a new car!

That is the reality of it. If it were just the two of us, we would probably not be getting a new car this soon, but the little guy is MUCH too special and important not take care of. SO, as of tomorrow, we will most likely be joining the ranks of the Honda owners of the world.

Robin & I went out to dinner on Friday to celebrate our 1,000 day-a-versary (that's the date we've been married 1,000 days, in case you didn't know), and we went to Gianno's (which happens to be our favorite restaurant). Right across the street is a highly recommended used car place (Rich's in High Point, in case you're looking for a new car in NC).

Actually, it was a little blue Jeep Liberty that caught our eye, so after dinner, we drove over there, not really intending to look too seriously, but we ended up parking right behind this shiny CR-V.

Long story short, Randy Rich came out and let us look at the cars and before we knew it, we were talking trade-in and test drive!

Saturday morning came and we went over, got Robin's car looked at for the trade-in, took it for a test drive, got Grandma's seal of approval, and more importantly (no offense, Grandma Lu), Evan's seal of approval (he likes to sit up high and look around). We walked out of there with the paperwork to go to the bank on Monday! So, come Monday, we should be tooling around High Point in a shiny gold Honda CR-V.

There are so many reasons that is ironic, but I won't get into them just now.

1 comment:

ctf said...

Weeee. Congratulations Evan! :) Does it have good cup holders? We all know this is the most important feature.